A Complete Guide to Make a Career Change


There are high possibilities in life that your first job was less about passion and more of a need of the hour. You are fresh out of college, have a gang of your own, and want to smell the air of independence. But, the air of independence comes with a price tag. Be it vacations, clothes, or just getting by your daily lives, money is the common denominator that binds them all. And unless you are a trust fund child, you would need a job to fulfill all your desires. So, most of us take up a job to get the ball rolling and then years pass and we end up doing the same job.

Suddenly one day you feel like you have a whole lot to offer when it comes to talent and your current job is holding you back. And thus begins the tale of regretting your career choice, and the birth of the question of how to change careers?. So, if you are in a similar mental state, let us begin by assuring you that the world is your oyster and that a career change is always a feasible and sensible option.

Before we talk about the best practices to keep in mind before you make a career plan, let’s look at some reasons why people wish to change their careers.

Reasons for Career Change

Career change has gained a lot of popularity in recent times because people want to align their careers with their passions, interests, and values. Let’s understand the top 3 reasons behind people opting for a career change.

Improved work-life Balance

A study suggests that a staggering 56% of employers wanted a job change to improve their work-life balance. In today’s fast-paced environment, managing a healthy work-life balance is extremely essential. A lot of people are starting to realize that their current career path is starting to affect their personal lives, leading to burnout, stress, and other mental strains.

A lack of balance in life has led to a growing trend of people changing careers in search of an improved work-life balance. By choosing careers that offer remote work conditions, flexible hours, and a controlled pace, people are realizing that they can pay more attention to their personal lives without putting their careers in neutral.

Improved Pay

At least 50% of respondents said that higher salaries and improved benefits are the reason they are looking for an improved career. Money is of prime importance for everyone in their life, and it is no secret that some professions pay more than others, and professionals tend to look for job opportunities in that area. For some of the best UK jobs, you visit the website Jobsbuster.com

The reasons can range from paying off debt, achieving financial security, or buying that gigantic villa to spend your retirement days, a career shift can improve your chances of getting an improved salary.

For some, it means chasing a career that is high in demand or learning new skills that can help you scale up your salary, and for others, they opt for a career that affords them commission, bonuses, and other financial encouragements.

A More Meaningful and Challenging Career

The need to be in a meaningful position can be one of the reasons for opting for a career change. 49% of respondents have agreed to the fact that they do a career change in search of something more meaningful. Many people want a sense of purpose associated with their jobs and they are not simply satisfied with earning a paycheck

Professionals migrate towards fields that bode well with their personal career goals, hobbies, and ambitions, taking their careers to newer heights. It doesn’t matter if you are pursuing a career in healthcare, nonprofit, or education, a purpose-driven career simply lets you sleep better at night.

Preparing for a Career Change

In the words of Accenture CEO Julie Sweet, “It’s the idea that if you can see your future, then probably you are not challenging yourself enough.”

Now before you get all motivated and slam that resignation letter, let’s ensure that we change careers with utmost precaution. Ensure that you leave your existing job on a positive note and take all the necessary steps required to welcome future opportunities.

Undertake the below-mentioned steps before you change your career.

  • Come up with a conscious reason and reflect on why you want to leave
  • Look at your finances as you are not going to be working for the foreseeable future and make changes in your life accordingly
  • Keep an eye out for career options that match your interests and skills
  • Get out there and socialize with people from the industry you wish to be a part of
  • Jazz up your resume and offer letter
  • Come up with a transition plan that will make your handover seamless
  • Identify the skill that you can offer and understand the possible gaps in your resume
  • Get in touch with a career coach who offers customized career advice and also helps optimize job search strategies

Now as we have let go of the past, let us look at some career tips that can pave the way for a bright future.

Steps to Ensure a Bright Future

Heading towards a career change that naturally sends shivers down the spine, although with the right strategy and clear directions, you can win in life. Please read the below-mentioned steps.

Clearly Define your Future Goal

Before you say goodbye to your last career, you must introspect and figure out what you wish to achieve in the future. Take time and figure out your special skillset, values, and interests, and create a clear path towards your career. By being clear about where you wish to be, you can experience greater joy and success in all your future endeavors.

Spruce Up your Resume and your LinkedIn Profile

Future employers are eventually going to run into your resume and scan your LinkedIn profile to assess you. To create a lasting impression, ensure that you showcase your bankable skills, and how you wish to take the industry ahead in the field of your interest. Customize your resume and LinkedIn profile to show your transferable skills, work experience, and degree associated with your new career path.

Get Ready for Interviews

Know more about the company and the role you want. Also, figure out the industry and the market behavior and come up with some powerful responses to common job interview questions. By diving deep into the industry, you can figure out the expectations the industry has for you.

Research In-Depth About Your Desired Career

When we talk about research, we mean staying updated with the industry standards, demand in the job market, and the skillset and aptitude required to excel in the role that you are pursuing. By gaining knowledge through research, you can come to terms with the expectations and requirements that the industry has for you and how you can gather the necessary skills and experience. This research will further help you figure out potential employers and networking possibilities.

Meet and Greet with Other Professionals

By building new connections with people from your desired field, you can learn more about the industry the job market, and new job opportunities. Networking can also help you showcase your personality to peers even before you start your job hunt. By leaving a stunning impression your peers can end up approaching you when they come across a job that suits you best. Also, try and go to interesting events, stay in touch with professional contacts, and be a part of online forums and discussions.

Look Out for Opportunities and Gain Experience

Figure out ways to get tangible experience in the field of your liking through taking up internships, part-time gigs, or volunteer work. Seeking out freelance work is a very efficient way to acquire valuable experience, acquire new skills, and slowly create a strong professional network. Gathering experience can also help with developing the skills and understanding needed to soar high in your new career and showcase your commitment and passion to potential employers.

Get Ready to Face Challenges

It’s obvious that in the course of a career change, you will experience a lot of challenges, and it will also take a lot of your time and effort. So become mentally strong enough to face rejections, encounter uncertainty, and tackle setbacks. It also means opening yourself up to learn new skills, asking for guidance and mentorship, and welcoming change.

Give Birth to an Online Presence

Create a strong presence online that sheds light on your expertise, experience, and special skills for future employers and industry veterans. Look into platforms like LinkedIn, create your own website, or make use of social media channels. Become a cut above the rest by creating your own personal brand that showcases your achievements, expertise, and career goals.


Read Also: How to Negotiate and Accept a Job Offer Letter Like a Pro


Focus on Building New Skills

Irrespective of your decision to make a vertical or lateral career move, there are bound to be gaps in your skill set that you have to fill. Figure out the skills and knowledge that are expected of you when it comes to fitting into your desired career path and chart out a plan to achieve them. Enroll in online courses, attend workshops, and search for mentor opportunities.


In the end, switching careers at any given time in life should be done after careful assessment, planning, and eagerness to acquire new skills. With the right attitude and process, people belonging to any age group can easily switch careers and experience greater fulfillment and triumph in their professional journey.

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